Saturday 18 December 2010

Songwriting challenge: fail

Over a month has passed and this blog has not been updated. Admittedly I've been busy, unfortunately, not the sort of busy that has lots of songwriting goodness to report. On the other hand, all of the things that have been keeping me busy are probably worthy of a lyric or two, so in the sense that life is changing in ways I didn't see coming, I've probably at least got some inspiration.

In other news, I've been reading the guides at, definitely worth a look.

Another note, if you Google "songwriting" in the UK, #3 on page one is a naff affiliate marketing thing. Sort it out Google... a massive long page with about 400 different sizes/colours/typefaces? Really? Is it something to do with the Nat Geo dofollow "songwriting" backlink that OSE says is top? Do I want to pay $37 for an ebook on songwriting? No. Do I need to? Maybe. But still. I think I'm going off-topic now.

Time to go and type up some notes I made for lyrics and see if I can't fit a lovely cold beer in before bedtime.